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姓名: *域名隐藏* Cheng
shanghai sokeway technology co.,ltd

  Shanghai sokeway a research and development, production and service HHO hybrid integrated enterprise, Sokeway HHO water fuel fuel-efficient system, the United States by Hong Kong company has introduced the latest technology and research and development of a successful set of fuel-efficient to increase power and reduce harmful exhaust emissions as one of the new environmentally friendly fuel-saving device, and after a lot of road test, and continuous improvement of production systems within the country and provide sound guidance and services. With the world's leading technology companies and the outstanding level of R & D base for many well-known institutions and research institutions to f...

主要产品/业务: Hydrogen oxygen generator to fit to vehicles, Prefere titanium manufactured plates and need kits to fit cars and vans.

shanghai sokeway technology co.,ltd / 上海 / shanghai china ( ) / 电话:021-20246070

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